Friday, March 31, 2006

Music is like

Listen to Paperthin Hymn ( I think thats how it is spelt) by Anberlin...

you will then realize that music is like...

something that you want to be one with, you can feel it deep inside of you, in your core
it is something you want to grab and sink your teeth and fingers into,
but if you could touch it, it wouldnt feel like anything at all, but it would be dense, it would be heavy.
it is that unexplainable feeling, that all you can do is ramble on and on about what it can feel like sometimes.

Music is so underrated.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Naturally Sadie

This is a 6 week old pitbull. I feel like a farmkeeper-person thing. We now have...

2 dachshunds (kakis and obi)
1 lab mix (bailey)
1 pitbull (sadie)
1 cat (shreck)

This totals 6 aminals. Thats a lot of poop.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Fragile...

I hate the way music makes me feel.
It makes me want to be everything and nothing at all, part of whatever it is, whoever it is about, the instruments... It is almost like possession, but it is love. I can't explain it.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Thursday, March 23, 2006


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

To Dooo-dooo-doodely-doo-doo

My Maxima needs work, which is nothing new for me. :)

1. New Deck to replace the new deck

2. Rip off the trunk from the other max, and put it on mine.

3. New Paint (view above photograph)

4. Clean the hell out of the interior

5. Rip my new rear speakers out of my other max, and replace in mine.

5. Belt making noise (I don't know which one, so I can't take a picture of it! :) )

Thats all I can think of for now.

My Dad is wonderful. He is so patient with me being a picky brat about my car. :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Nicole's Super Talented!

Just a little humor for the day... :)

Monday, March 13, 2006


Nicole and Patrick have a new roomate...

but we all knew this... we just didn't know what she looked like huh?

She looks so peaceful :)
that was sarcasm for all who didn't get it

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Kids these days... are getting older?

I have decided that I look like a little kid... and this photograph reaffirms my statement.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Kakis who couldn't seem to keep his pants on... pt 2

Well, knowing very well that our new roommate has a lab/dalmation mix, I tried to watch the first interactions closely. Things were fine, the boys wanted nothing to do but hump her to death, and she wanted to play. I decided that they were going to be fine, and started straightening up my new room. About 5-10 minutes later, I see all of the puppies hovered around Kakis, who was standing quite still. I pushed the other dogs away from him just to notice this...

Little Kakis got himself so worked up, he was stuck like that for 20 minutes- humping nothing mind you. :)
Now, Kakis has been nicknamed "long dong silver" and he hasn't done anything like that since.

Thank you, The end.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Paint it Black...

Your Toes Should Be Black

A total rulebreaker (and heartbreaker), you're always a little punk rock.

Your flirting style: Wacky and a bit shocking

Your ideal guy: An accomplished artist, musician, or writer

Stay away from: Preppy guys looking for a quick bad girl fling

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Kakis who couldn't seem to keep his pants on... pt.1

Tis the intro to the funny story.

Last Saturday, Patrick and I started moving into our new house. It is a lovely little place. I think that my friends should not hesitate to come and see our cute little place, that is, once my roomate jennifer brings her things downstairs- to upstairs. Patrick and I are having a wonderful time at the house, and I love to be home (except for the new neighbors that make noise and park in places that they shouldn't be parking). We brought over quite a few things on Saturday, and brought the babies over Saturday night....

To be continued...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

There's a fire ablaze...

boomykakis's LJ stalker is aphantom!
aphantom is stalking you because another friend of yours told them you liked them. They are also getting jiggy with your best friend!

LiveJournal Username:

Friendship Level: 44%

Friendship Level: 73%

Friendship Level: 86%

LJ Username:

Random LJ Friend-O-Meter

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Marcy makes me giggle a lot!

This made my day...

1. My name: Nicole Brittany Rogers ?
2. Who is the love of my life: Marcy DUH!
3. Where did we meet: Some cyber sex site.
4. Take a stab at my middle name: Ok... but it might hurt a bit. Brittany!
5. How long have you known me: Maybe a year or a little more.
6. When is the last time that we saw each other: A very very long time ago. Maybe At the Toyota dealership.
7. Do I smoke: If you do, then we're not friends any more!
8. Do I drink: Of course, you need liquids to stay alive. :)
9. When is my birthday: I am guessing January because you are a Capricorn.
10. What was your first impression of upon meeting me: She talks a lot.
11. Do I have any siblings: You sure do.
12. What's one of my favorite things to do: Cyber sex haha Umm Draw, paint, photograph stuff. Anything creative really.
13. Am I funny: Indeed, I laugh at you!
14. What's my favorite type of music: Gangster Rap and Country.
15. What is the best feature about me: Feature, like feature presentation? Monkey.
16. Am I shy or outgoing: Very Outgoing.
17. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: You follow the rules for the most part. You would make a terrible pirate!
18. Do I have any special talents: Well, there is that one thing you can do with your tongue...
19. Would you consider me a friend/good friend: Friend? Jesse's my goodest friend so that spot is alreay filled, sorry.
20. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what): Fuckin' Monkey.
21. What is a memory we have once had: Together? Hmmm Goin out to the Outlet Mall lookin for shoesies.
22. Have you ever hugged me: I could have...
23. Do you miss you think i miss you: I did miss your conversation and company for months there...
24. What is my favorite food: Orange Chicken!!!
25. Have you ever had a crush on me: ...PLEASE don't tell Patrick!
26. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: I really dunno...
27. What's your favorite memory of me: It would have to be the time we captured ALL the penguins from Wayne Newton's place and placed them in random yards.
28. Who do I like right now: ME!!!
29. What is my worst habit: Shooting your riffle in the house, BAD Nicole!
30. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring: A boat!
31. Are we friends: If we're not then I just wasted my time.
32. Will you repost this so I can do it for you? I have before... so you should fill it out without me having to repost it!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hawthorne Heights

Patrick got meTHIS!!!!!

I am so excited! Plus... were moving! I got a house! YES!!!