Wednesday, May 03, 2006

10,000 days

Patrick got (us) me the new TOOL cd. :) I am excited, but can't listen to it until after Friday. I am still pissed about not getting tickets. Also, on a happier note. Patrick also got me the new PEARL JAM!!!!!! I love it. :) That was the best.... waking up to a Pearl Jam CD in my face. That makes me happy. (Oh, and there is the 1st season of Stargate SG1 that I am looking forward to viewing.)

Thank you Patrick.

With all that being said, my eyes won't focus, my brain feels like its loose and slopping around in my skull. I have my Maxima back, and Patrick was being most wonderful last night. :)

Its easier to love him and be happy when he is being nice.

I undeleted my LJ, because no one (with the exception of Marcy) listens and responds to what I have to say here... so I have to think of ways to do both. hrmmmm.

I want this semester to be over quite badly, and so does miss lainy. We are going to have a fracking BALL at 10 Years.

I think that is all for now... Maybe pictures later of me and the happy CDs. :)

(I can feel myself on the ground trying to get up... but the beast is watching... waiting....)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought the CD last night too :) I love it!

WHY can't you listen to it until Friday? I've been listening to it for a couple weeks now!

I too must buy the Pearl Jam CD but I am running low on funds. Come on Friday!!

I am very happy you have an lj again :)

I want to go back to school, at least take 1 class...

10:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wanted to go to Tower at midnight and buy it... but Patrick wasn't too keen on doing it, so we didn't.. but we have it now! :) I can't listen to the TOOL cd cause I get super pissed everytime I hear TOOL (seeing as how I busted my ass to try and get tickets). I am angry. :)

I love Pearl Jam

LJ.. oi. Ha!

One class would be nice... hrmmm

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know they are coming back around again, but next time it'll be a big venue. Don't feel bad I had friends waiting in like at 5am at the joint and they didn't even get tickets.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Marcy isnt the only one who posts on here...

11:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right, MDH & SPRMRCY, & THE Marcy post on here as well!

4:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

YEAP! :)

4:13 PM  

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