Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Kakis who couldn't seem to keep his pants on... pt.1

Tis the intro to the funny story.

Last Saturday, Patrick and I started moving into our new house. It is a lovely little place. I think that my friends should not hesitate to come and see our cute little place, that is, once my roomate jennifer brings her things downstairs- to upstairs. Patrick and I are having a wonderful time at the house, and I love to be home (except for the new neighbors that make noise and park in places that they shouldn't be parking). We brought over quite a few things on Saturday, and brought the babies over Saturday night....

To be continued...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm waiting...

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant wait for pt. 2!!

12:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You guys are awesome... I had to start it... but I have to get the internet at home in order to finish it. :)

1:08 PM  

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