Thursday, March 02, 2006

Marcy makes me giggle a lot!

This made my day...

1. My name: Nicole Brittany Rogers ?
2. Who is the love of my life: Marcy DUH!
3. Where did we meet: Some cyber sex site.
4. Take a stab at my middle name: Ok... but it might hurt a bit. Brittany!
5. How long have you known me: Maybe a year or a little more.
6. When is the last time that we saw each other: A very very long time ago. Maybe At the Toyota dealership.
7. Do I smoke: If you do, then we're not friends any more!
8. Do I drink: Of course, you need liquids to stay alive. :)
9. When is my birthday: I am guessing January because you are a Capricorn.
10. What was your first impression of upon meeting me: She talks a lot.
11. Do I have any siblings: You sure do.
12. What's one of my favorite things to do: Cyber sex haha Umm Draw, paint, photograph stuff. Anything creative really.
13. Am I funny: Indeed, I laugh at you!
14. What's my favorite type of music: Gangster Rap and Country.
15. What is the best feature about me: Feature, like feature presentation? Monkey.
16. Am I shy or outgoing: Very Outgoing.
17. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: You follow the rules for the most part. You would make a terrible pirate!
18. Do I have any special talents: Well, there is that one thing you can do with your tongue...
19. Would you consider me a friend/good friend: Friend? Jesse's my goodest friend so that spot is alreay filled, sorry.
20. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what): Fuckin' Monkey.
21. What is a memory we have once had: Together? Hmmm Goin out to the Outlet Mall lookin for shoesies.
22. Have you ever hugged me: I could have...
23. Do you miss you think i miss you: I did miss your conversation and company for months there...
24. What is my favorite food: Orange Chicken!!!
25. Have you ever had a crush on me: ...PLEASE don't tell Patrick!
26. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: I really dunno...
27. What's your favorite memory of me: It would have to be the time we captured ALL the penguins from Wayne Newton's place and placed them in random yards.
28. Who do I like right now: ME!!!
29. What is my worst habit: Shooting your riffle in the house, BAD Nicole!
30. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring: A boat!
31. Are we friends: If we're not then I just wasted my time.
32. Will you repost this so I can do it for you? I have before... so you should fill it out without me having to repost it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed you on the chat today...

3:08 PM  

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