Friday, February 17, 2006

just fracking great...

"Can't do this.... can't do that!"
What the hell can I do around here! I can't be Nicole, I can't be honest, I can't work on my things while I have nothing to do. I can't leave, what the f*ck am I supposed to do? I am frustrated. I don't feel well, I have a headache and I am hungry.

A thought just came to me... more like a memory. I remember when Patrick and I used to go to the Rainbow. They have good food there. I like the pasta, and the way that Patrick looked in the lighting. We had fun. We sort of had money- just didn't do anything smart with it. hmmmm.
Still frustrated. I am probably not even allowed to be typing this. heh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it that you can and cant do and why cant you leave?

1:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't do anything!!!! I am surprised I can breathe! I can't leave because I need the damn money.

1:48 PM  

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