Monday, February 20, 2006

send the pain below

I don't think that we are in love with each other anymore. Saying "I love you" is like a chore. Every day that goes by makes me think that this is becoming more and more true. And it is ok that I say this here, because he doesn't read this anyway, why should he care? I can say that this it eating away at me on the inside and that I cry, but he wouldn't care. Probably think that its just an stupid feeling. I have been trying to physically get into my own head to rip out these thoughts, but he wouldn't know, because he doesn't play with my hair enough to notice the scabs on my scalp and blood on his fingers. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go through life wondering if I am spending it with the wrong person. We are both unhappy. We argue over virtually everything. I think that he is an unthoughtful jerk who doesn't really care about what I want, or my stupid interests. I probably come off to him as one large headache that doesn't stop. Neither of us deserve this. We make better friends than spouses. I don't know what to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you see me read this all the time. and the only time its a chore is when you make a big deal about how 'goodbye' is said over the phone, like when you leave first and you refuse to say anything. drains all the life out of it.

10:58 PM  

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