Monday, May 15, 2006

Blaah (with that flat aah sound)

Gahar! I feel very tired today. Yesterday was meh first full day home from Sandy Valley. I slept all day (well, until like 1.30 or 2 pm) Meh little woobi gets so mad everytime I leave... he peed on everything (but behaved like a lil angel when mom (meh) was home). I am so tired.

PS. I love Stargate. (but meh first love is still Firefly). Damn Sci-fi.

PSS. Marcy, I forgot to call you when I got home from Dirt Valley. I apologize. I am a crap friend sometimes. I owe you Panda (and all meh lil pieces of orange chicken) :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want some...

10:46 AM  

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