Wednesday, March 22, 2006

To Dooo-dooo-doodely-doo-doo

My Maxima needs work, which is nothing new for me. :)

1. New Deck to replace the new deck

2. Rip off the trunk from the other max, and put it on mine.

3. New Paint (view above photograph)

4. Clean the hell out of the interior

5. Rip my new rear speakers out of my other max, and replace in mine.

5. Belt making noise (I don't know which one, so I can't take a picture of it! :) )

Thats all I can think of for now.

My Dad is wonderful. He is so patient with me being a picky brat about my car. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HaHaHaHa HA Your car's nick name is Maxi!!

2:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeap!!!!!! I love her. Period.

3:50 PM  

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