Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"I, C-U-P, funny colors!"

My page is less painful to the eyeballs now. :D

I like that (not having pain in my eyeballs, kinda makes me want to avoid the thing that inflicts the pain.) ha!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Dear God,

All I want is my Bachelors degree in Fine arts, and have it not kill me in the process.



Monday, May 15, 2006

Blaah (with that flat aah sound)

Gahar! I feel very tired today. Yesterday was meh first full day home from Sandy Valley. I slept all day (well, until like 1.30 or 2 pm) Meh little woobi gets so mad everytime I leave... he peed on everything (but behaved like a lil angel when mom (meh) was home). I am so tired.

PS. I love Stargate. (but meh first love is still Firefly). Damn Sci-fi.

PSS. Marcy, I forgot to call you when I got home from Dirt Valley. I apologize. I am a crap friend sometimes. I owe you Panda (and all meh lil pieces of orange chicken) :)

Friday, May 12, 2006

So much to do, and yet...

If these dogs fart any more, I swear I am going to scream. I miss my little Obi. He doesn't fart much.
Don't worry, my back still hurts, and I have a massive headache. I think I shall sleep until the sun goes down.
Thats what I would like to do anyway...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

*dances to the Killers*

My arm is so sore from this damn TD shot. I hate UNLV. Yes, I am going there totally biased by what I went through today.

and note to self: Buy comfy shoes and lots of deodarant. Lots of gallons of water wouldnt be a bad idea either.

Monday, May 08, 2006

mad hatters and mona lisas

I think Sandy Valley is making me sick. My head feels like crap. Patrick and I keep bickering, but he made it up today by surprising me with Ferrero Rocher thingeys, and calling me at 7 this morning to see if I was awake. (Just shows me he cares) :) I feel better when we work together, and we dont work against each other. Thats all my brain will let me think for now, so. Enjoy the duckie...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

10,000 days

Patrick got (us) me the new TOOL cd. :) I am excited, but can't listen to it until after Friday. I am still pissed about not getting tickets. Also, on a happier note. Patrick also got me the new PEARL JAM!!!!!! I love it. :) That was the best.... waking up to a Pearl Jam CD in my face. That makes me happy. (Oh, and there is the 1st season of Stargate SG1 that I am looking forward to viewing.)

Thank you Patrick.

With all that being said, my eyes won't focus, my brain feels like its loose and slopping around in my skull. I have my Maxima back, and Patrick was being most wonderful last night. :)

Its easier to love him and be happy when he is being nice.

I undeleted my LJ, because no one (with the exception of Marcy) listens and responds to what I have to say here... so I have to think of ways to do both. hrmmmm.

I want this semester to be over quite badly, and so does miss lainy. We are going to have a fracking BALL at 10 Years.

I think that is all for now... Maybe pictures later of me and the happy CDs. :)

(I can feel myself on the ground trying to get up... but the beast is watching... waiting....)

Monday, May 01, 2006

My Mind...

I can see myself helping the rest of the world-everyone who hates me, everyone who loves me, everyone who will never get the chance to know me- kick myself and tear me down to the ground. What happens next? Well, After I am done tearing myself apart, I turn around to face all of you who are killing me.... FEAR ME. You dont want to see the monster I become, and I tear you all to shreds... because you all saw me beat the shit out of myself, screaming at myself... and all of you helped me bring me down. What? You couldn't stop me? You couldn't calm the beast by telling me you love me and that you will try to help me get better? I the beast hate all of you and would love nothing more than to have all of you see things my way. I, the one bleeding on the ground loves all of you, and just wants the pain to stop... and for someone to care, but you are all too blind to see that both of them are me, and you punish me on the ground for what the beast in me does. All I want is love and to be loved... and for it to be known.

I am alone.