Friday, April 28, 2006

Passed out the Kakis

My little Kakis loves Henderson. He is so much happier being there than at the other house. Obi on the other hand, freaks out when I am not around. :) He makes me feel so loved. :)

Saturday, April 22, 2006


This is the idea i had in mind for the triptych. I think when I do it, I am going to use maybe very few values between black and white, and no gradient, all hard lines and shadows. I think it will do me good to remember to outline (and fill in) my centerfolds in black paint, and wait for it to dry before going over them with grey and white. Any thoughts, suggestions and ideas are welcome. I know that the pre sketch (photoshop) looks pretty crappy, but I had to put my idea down somewhere, but not waste too much time on doing it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

But we all knew this...

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder:Very High
Cyclothymia:Extremely High
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Extremely High
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test

Monday, April 17, 2006

Idiots Rule... bastards.

I got a lie
A fat fuckin' lie
About a law
Idiots obey
They made it easy
Now cheaters have their way
You hi-di-ho's
You're living on your knees

Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!
Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!

Now there's a time...
But i say non like now
There's a time
Where idiots are bound
If there's a pole
Planted in your back
Then you're a fixture
Not a man

Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!
Forget the rule!
Oh - idiots rule!
Idiots rule!
Idiots rule!
Idiots rule!

You know that man
You hate?
You look more like him
Every day everyday
2 good shoes
Won't save your soul
Idiots rule!
Idiots rule!

I hate morons... and bitches

Thursday, April 13, 2006

That was quite possibly...

I only did it because blogger makes a great image host-ey thingey. :)

RA(aaa) Sushi

I had Sushi for the first time ever last night... it tastes like crap, and just think of how this cute little YELLOW TAIL feels... :)

EDIT: the other fish was really grossing me out and kinda made me want to barf... so I made this one! :) much better!

Monday, April 10, 2006

My Underarm Hurts...

and I am unsure as to why...

in the meantime... look at how cute he is. :)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!!! >.<

I went out to Sandy Valley to see my dad for his birthday. :)

This is my sister and her boyfriend.

This is little Achilles :)

This is my loving dad and stepmom. :)

This is Two Socks, the new Dane...

who thinks he's weenie dog size...

like my little obi down here :)

or lil kakis, who happens to be super tiny :)

unlike Penny the cow :) She's so cute :)

and Sadie gets bigger all of the time, she is now bigger than a beanie baby. :)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids

I say... I feel like diet coke right about now....

and I love the Kakis

but the Kakis doesnt love me... :(

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

