Saturday, January 21, 2006

piercing through another victim...

I guess that this is what having a journal is for. When you feel like talking and in need of comfort and you feel like no one cares, or there is no one to talk to.

Last Night I was feeling kind of confident, definitely excited. I set up a Myspace account for the third time in my life, but this time for networking reasons. I want to put my name and my work out there. Granted I am only 19 years old, i am kind of limited in experience and what I can do. I know some graphic design, thats what I have been doing for the past 6 months now. I am still learning and am sure that I will learn more in the future. I feel like as determined as I am, I won't go anywhere. I'm scared. I want help figuring out what I am doing. I want to help out Las Vegas local bands, and I am trying to get a good price on printing flyers and whatever they need through Vision, but I dont want printing to be all that I am known for. I will go to whatever necessary length to get them what they need, and maybe they will keep me in mind when it comes to designing things.

I guess I will keep trying...


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