Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'll Shoot, You Run

I just thought that I would give a few random thoughts. I am incredibly bored and am almost finished with another vector. I can't tell if I am improving or not.

School starts on the 23rd of January, and I intend on going to get my books for next semester today after work.

I also need to give my mom maps to Barb's house for the naughty lady party.

And for something totally random and that I feel needs to be written down and out of my brain is that nobody cares about (so-and-so). The only reason I check anything is because I find the humor in the thought that (so-and-so) thinks that (he/she) has true friends. It is only like super clear that (his/her) "friends" and "partner" show up only when they find an outlet to boost their own ego's sometimes quite literally. After the high is over- no one cares, so I find it funny that whenever (she/he) plans things bigger than (his/her) self, that they 99% of the time get knocked down- bitch, moan, and cry. Shit happens to everyone. This person is blind, and I shall leave it at that.

I need to take the MR2 down to Nissan sometime early next week. I am going to take my Max to Nissan tomorrow, my baby needs new tires and stuff.

And for one final thought, I love my Patrick more than anything in the whole entire 'verse. He just gets better and better every day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

<3 :)

11:06 AM  

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